Audrow Nash Podcast Transcripts

Full transcripts from the Audrow Nash Podcast.

Join me as I learn about robotics, AI, and manufacturing.

We'll talk with experts about their technology, business model, and personal experience.

I'm an engineer, and this is a technical podcast. But we assume no specific knowledge, so if you're interested, you should be able to follow along.

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Oops. These transcripts are made with Descript and then checked over quickly. I'm sure there are lots of errors, unfortunately.

If you'd like to help, feel free to make a pull request with a fix. If you're not sure how, here's a good page on getting started.

Also, if you're into it, this repo has a .devcontainer setup, so you can easily make a Codespace to preview your changes. (It takes a couple of minutes to build the Docker image.)